Raquel M Sabat's Photo

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  • 48 references 27 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese; learning Chinese (Simplified), French
  • 39, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • I work as a public defender in the state of Santa Catarin...
  • Law graduate at Universidade do Estado do Amazonas.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Não estou hospedando no momento.

**Leia o perfil TODO antes de pedir couch, não basta dizer que está na cidade e precisa de um lugar pra dormir. O host precisa saber quem você é, por que você escolheria ficar na casa dele, o que vocês teriam em comum e o que você tem a acrescer ao host. Outra dica que vale lembrar é: não viva às custas do host e deixe o local limpo, especialmente quando sair**

Do take care of yourself when being hosted. Don't try to live off of your host and READ your possible host's profile before asking for a place to stay!


The goal is to see the world. My current job as public defender in Santa Catarina doesn´tem really set me free, but it allows me to live in Florianópolis, which is one of my favorite cities. Other than that, it is gratifying to practice law and help people.


I am always a work in progress, dedicated to my work and a constant traveller. I am really addicted to traveling, actually, I should definitely stay home more often so I can travel further away sometimes. I am a public servant, and although I give my job the utmost importance, I think it doesn´t define me. I´m a traveler at heart and I am sure I still have not found my home. I´m a rock´n´roll, metal and blues fan with a nerdy taste in books and movies.


No one remembers that night when they stayed at home resting.

That was my philosophy in 2012. Now revisiting my profile, I see how work has been occupying a bigger part of my hours and I end up staying home a lot more than I'd like to.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I´m in couchsurfing since 2012 and I was hosting pretty much since I started living by myself with a break now because of the pandemic.


I´ve hosted more times than i have surfed. Everytime - but one - was really positive and I´m hoping for more. The one time it failed for me was when people abused their stay and were rude about it by overstaying and assuming I had to pay for their way around my town.


I study a lot, I am dedicated to my family and those I love. Travelling is what I love most, seeing other places and meeting people. I am a practicer of the law, who likes to curse and drink beer, and, at heart, I consider myself a shy person. One thing doesn´t define me, just like everyone else. I'm also really into movies and tv series and some kinds of music.

Music, Movies, and Books

Rock, blues, classical, metal, and a lot more. Love reading, but due to my work, I tend to read a lot about law. Havent been going to the movies lately, wich is a shame because I love it. I'm really into Tarantino, Nolan and a lot others. Love Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Therion, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Howlin Wolf, Black Sabbath and a lot more.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Visiting spain and france was really one of the most amazing experiences. Getting to see a different culture was life changing. Living in the southern part of Brazil has also been great. Everything seems nearer than when I lived north and I´ve been taking advantage of it. I really want to take a longer trip but I have to wait for now.

Teach, Learn, Share

I have been cursed and blessed to work with other people´s problems. There´s a lot of poverty and misery out there and I chose to help. It´s been a great life, because my last two jobs I was granted the hability to do something, and so, I try to do my part. I am no saint, but I notice it´s great to be able to help and actually do it.

What I Can Share with Hosts

So about the actual hosting situation, if you intend to be hosted by me, even though I try to be easygoing, I just simply won´t respond to requests that are not directed to me. You absolutely must make a decent request. No copy and paste, no mispelling my name and dont expect me to say yes when you just send a message saying that you´ll come over and you want a cheap place to stay.
If I am going to have you at my place, I expect you to replace the things you use and clean up after yourself.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela

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